

Dr. N.N. Asokan

He did his MBBS from Madras University in 1962.

M D from Kerala, University, Trivandrum in General Medicine in 1979.

Is Working as Med. Supdt. & Chief Consultant in Internal Medicine, Medical ICU & IRU experience for the last 20 years.

Some additional Qualifications : Fellow, IMA College of General Physician

( 3rd Rank Holder, Bronze Medal, First All India Exam. )
: Founder Fellow, Association of Physicians of India.
: Founder Fellow, Indian College of Physicians 
 (One of the two in Kerala)
: Founder Fellow, College of General Practitioners
: Founder Fellow, Geriatric Society of India
: Fellow, American College of Chest Physicians
: Fellow, Indian National College of Angiology
: Fellow, Diabetic Association of India, 1979.
: Fellow, IMA Academy of Medical Specialities.
: Fellow, Indian Academy of Clinical Medicines
: Fellow, Geriatric Society of India

Life Membership : Indian Medical Association

: Association of Physicians of India
: Cardiological Society of India
: Society of Prevention of Heart Disease & Rehabilitation
: Some Additional Qualification
: Indian Chest Society
: Indian Society of Electro Cardiology
: Indian Society of Nutrition
: Indian Society of Hepatology
: Indian Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
: Hypertension Society of India
: Diabetic Association of India
: Geriatric Society of India
: Kerala Diabetic Foundation
: Research Society for Study of Diabetes in India (RSSDI)
: Indian Society of Critical Care Medicines
: Indian Society of Artereosclerosis Research
: International Society of Arteriosclerosis Research
: Indian Academy of Clinical Medicines
: Cochin Cardiac Club

National/International awards in the field of medicine/any other awards:

1. National - 3rd rank holder (Bronze medal) IMA CGP Ist exam of IMACGP 1977
2. JIPMER Scientific Society Oration Award 1989
3. IMA AMS Education and Research Award 1996
4. Geriatric Society of India - Alembic Oration Award 1999
5. Reckitts Geriatric Oration on 2000
6. Recipient of Best Doctor Award - Private Sector (State), 2001
